Harm Reduction, Healthcare Savings and Economic Growth: A Strategy for Malaysia

Author: Carmelo Ferlito & Imran Shamsunahar
Date: September 2023

Energy Transition in Malaysia: An Ecomodernist Perspective

Author: Praharsh Mehrotra & Bryan Cheang
Date: February 2023

Menuju Strategi Harm Reduction Ilmiah: Sebuah Pengantar Teoritis

Author: Carmelo Ferlito
Date: January 2023

Toward a Science-based Strategy to Harm Reduction: A Theoretical Introduction

Author: Carmelo Ferlito
Date: January 2023

Why Monetary Policy Should Not Avoid Market Price Deflation

Author: Philipp Bagus & Carmelo Ferlito
Date: March 2022

Inflation, Unemployment and COVID-19 Policies: Where Is The Malaysian Economy Heading?

Inflation, Unemployment and COVID-19 Policies: Where Is The Malaysian Economy Heading?

Author: Carmelo Ferlito, Fariq Sazuki, Abel Benjamin Lim
Date: August 2021

Developing a Modern Tax Framework for Malaysia

Developing a Modern Tax Framework for Malaysia

Author: Dr Veerinderjeet Singh
Date: July 2021

Fighting Covid-19 In Malaysia - Mass Testing And Other Reasonable Proposals

Fighting Covid-19 In Malaysia: Mass Testing And Other Reasonable Proposals

Author: Carmelo Ferlito, Salvatore Chirumbolo, Consilz Tan, Veerinderjeet Singh, Jochen Fries, Steven Sieff, Carmine Iavazzo, Yow Chuan Lee, Sergio Maria Calzolari Ferlito, Paolo Bellavite
Date: July 2021

Dietary Supplements in the Malaysian Context: Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Freedom of Choice and Healthcare Savings

Dietary Supplements in the Malaysian Context: Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Freedom of Choice and Healthcare Savings

Author: Benedict Weerasena, Carmelo Ferlito, Paolo Bellavite
Date: June 2021

The Economic Impact of School Closures in Malaysia

The Economic Impact of School Closures in Malaysia

Author: Abel Benjamin Lim, Fariq Sazuki, Benedict Weerasena, Carmelo Ferlito
Date: May 2021