Media Statement

CME-ID: Berbahaya, Rasio Utang Tinggi dapat Picu Inflasi dan Lemahkan Ekonomi

CME-ID: Berbahaya, Rasio Utang Tinggi dapat Picu Inflasi dan Lemahkan Ekonomi SENIN, 24 Juni 2024: Publik Indonesia dikejutkan dengan wacana presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto untuk meningkatkan rasio utang pemerintah ke tingkat tertinggi dalam dua dasawarsa terakhir. Dikabarkan, presiden terpilih  berencana meningkatkan rasio utang sebesar 2 poin persentase setiap tahun selama lima tahun ke depan. Ini […]

CME-ID: Berbahaya, Rasio Utang Tinggi dapat Picu Inflasi dan Lemahkan Ekonomi Read More »

CME scales up operations with a new office and a bigger team

CME scales up operations with a new office and a bigger team WEDNESDAY, 5 June 2024: The Center for Market Education (CME) is scaling up operations with a new office and a bigger team. Since May 2024, CME moved its operations at Empire SOHO, inside the NU Empire complex in Subang Jaya (See and

CME scales up operations with a new office and a bigger team Read More »

CME welcomes Malaysia’s diversification in international trade and invites to gradual and mutually beneficial steps between Malaysia and the EU on palm oil certification

CME welcomes Malaysia’s diversification in international trade and invites to gradual and mutually beneficial steps between Malaysia and the EU on palm oil certification MONDAY, 29 April 2024: The Center for Market Education (CME) welcomes the new government approach to international trade, stressing that it will be beneficial for the country in general and the

CME welcomes Malaysia’s diversification in international trade and invites to gradual and mutually beneficial steps between Malaysia and the EU on palm oil certification Read More »

CME ID Bergabung dengan Property Rights Alliance (PRA) Menyambut Hari Kekayaan Intelektual Dunia

CME ID Bergabung dengan Property Rights Alliance (PRA) Menyambut Hari Kekayaan Intelektual Dunia JUMAT, 26 April 2024: CME ID bersama Property Rights Alliance (PRA) atau Aliansi Hak Kepemilikan dari Washington, DC, serta 111 think tank dan kelompok advokasi dari 53 negara, merilis surat pernyataan terbuka dalam rangka Hari Kekayaan Intelektual Dunia. Surat ini ditujukan kepada

CME ID Bergabung dengan Property Rights Alliance (PRA) Menyambut Hari Kekayaan Intelektual Dunia Read More »

CME joins the Property Rights Alliance (PRA) to celebrate World IP Day and to launch an Open Letter to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

CME joins the Property Rights Alliance (PRA) to celebrate World IP Day and to launch an Open Letter to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) FRIDAY, 26 April 2024: The Center for Market Education (CME) joins the Property Rights Alliance (PRA) from Washington, DC, and other 111 think tanks and advocacy groups across 53 nations,

CME joins the Property Rights Alliance (PRA) to celebrate World IP Day and to launch an Open Letter to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Read More »

CME ID: Apakah Kenaikan Suku Bunga Dapat Menstabilkan Rupiah?

CME ID: Apakah Kenaikan Suku Bunga Dapat Menstabilkan Rupiah? KAMIS, 25 April 2024: Bank Indonesia mengejutkan pasar dengan menaikkan suku bunga ke level tertinggi dalam tujuh tahun terakhir pada hari Rabu lalu. Hal ini ditengarai sebagai upaya memperkuat rupiah yang terus melemah terhadap dolar meski sejumlah intervensi di pasar valuta asing telah dilakukan. Di saat

CME ID: Apakah Kenaikan Suku Bunga Dapat Menstabilkan Rupiah? Read More »

CME Praises Bank Negara Malaysia on the Ringgit and Invites ASEAN Central Banks to a Higher Degree of Cooperation

CME Praises Bank Negara Malaysia on the Ringgit and Invites ASEAN Central Banks to a Higher Degree of Cooperation THURSDAY, 18 April 2024: After a short break, the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) is again under stress and close to be exchanged at 4.8 against one American Dollar (USD). The Center for Market Education agrees with the

CME Praises Bank Negara Malaysia on the Ringgit and Invites ASEAN Central Banks to a Higher Degree of Cooperation Read More »

CME: Without a special scheme for micro-businesses, e-invoicing may backfire

CME: Without a special scheme for micro-businesses, e-invoicing may backfire MONDAY, 01 April 2024: On 22 May 2023, the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN) announced that an electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) system will be implemented in stages starting from 2024. LHDN shared that a pilot implementation with selected companies will begin in April 2024, followed

CME: Without a special scheme for micro-businesses, e-invoicing may backfire Read More »

CME: A Proposal to Preserve both Democracy and Political Stability

CME: A Proposal to Preserve both Democracy and Political Stability SUNDAY, 21 January 2024: The recent debate around the proposed Fixed-term Parliament Act (FTPA) revolves around the following reasoning: the democratic system requires the introduction of a certain degree of restrictions in order to promote political stability and – with it – enhance economic growth.

CME: A Proposal to Preserve both Democracy and Political Stability Read More »

PADU: The Myth of Data-Driven Policy Decisions

PADU: The Myth of Data-Driven Policy Decisions MONAY, 15 January 2024: The Malaysian Government recently launched the Central Database Hub (PADU), an effort led by the Economics Ministry to bring together information held by various ministries and government agencies into one, allowing the government a clearer picture of its 33.5 million population. Launched with great

PADU: The Myth of Data-Driven Policy Decisions Read More »